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The Atari Token - An exciting new partnership with Atari and Karma the Game

We are pleased to announce our partnership with one of the most iconic consumer brands and entertainment producers - Atari! A new Atari Token will be integrated into Karma the Game of Destiny, making it the first truly immersive game for adults encapsulating both the digital and real worlds!

Karma the Game of Destiny is a social game designed to connect people, and this new integration of the Atari token will further enhance the entertainment experience. It features both augmented and virtual reality simulations of remote travel destinations, authentic experiences, beautiful venues and real events. You can think of Karma the Game like a news site or media platform that provides varied theatrical content for players, similar to a reality TV game show. Both online and offline meetups (and even dates!) are facilitated by the game and the Atari token will be a vital part of blending the digital and physical realms. Players can elect to remain private or have their experience public to share it with others.

The Atari Token was designed with digital entertainment at the forefront and Atari is an industry giant for expanding the possibilities within these innovative virtual spaces. The Atari cryptocurrency will empower in-app purchases and transactions and will be integrated through the entire game to form an ERC-20 foundation for in-game purchases. It may also be used for Ambassador payouts and is an accepted form of currency for Karma the Game of Destiny’s Karma Play Tokens. Karma Play Tokens are currently used to purchase additional lives and unlock extra game content.

We are proud that Atari has partnered with Karma the Game of Destiny to bring this social and eco platform to an entirely new level.

Read the full article here.


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